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Saturday 19 February 2011

Adam (2009 movie) teaches you about Asperger’s syndrome….

The cute neighbor at first seems simply clumsy and a bit nerdy, however as we proceed with the plotline it becomes clear that he has an exquisite memory and by the way, ADAM is also fascinated about astronomy….

With a ghostly resembling beginning to Temple Grandin, ADAM invites us into his secret world that’s apparently many light-years apart from our world….There’s love, (apparent)compassion and complex emotions until the audience finds out the main explanation for the funny gestures and acts of the main character…..

ADAM has Asperger’s syndrome, a health conditions to many pretty unknown as this is one of the branches of autism rarely presented to the public.

The movie starring Hugh Dancy- the real life husband of actress Claire Danes, who plays Temple Grandin in the biographical blockbuster….how funny for them to play so similar roles…that gives some really fascinating subjects to talk about….- illustrates the main disadvantages of this condition which are basically: difficulties in social interaction, restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. 

ADAM is cute and clumsy a bit…but more importantly he is literally unable to feel compassion which leads to the fall of this apparently blooming relationship….Make sure you have some hankies at hand….Before revealing every tiny detail make sure you see the movie for yourself and send me some comments about your opinion…..

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