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Friday 8 March 2013

6 Ways How Pets Keep Us Healthy

Having an animal in your home has numerous advantages. In spite of various challenges it is important to admit the benefits of the following 6 ways how pets keep us healthy. Spend more time with your puppy or kitten if you want to boost your mood and energy level in the simplest way.

1. Pets Help You Fight Depression

Depression is one of the most common conditions which affects millions of people. However having a cut and energetic pet will provide you with an active social life. Making friends is one of the most important benefits of having an animal in your home. Hang out with other people in the park or at the seaside to save yourself from depression.

2.  Reduce Alzheimer’s Symptoms

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most severe conditions treated also with pet therapy. In fact animals when in contact with patients have the power to reduce the anxiety level which can trigger some of the most important symptoms of this illness.

3. Allergy Prevention

Researchers discovered that kids who grow u pin a home with a cute pet will have minimal chances of developing various types of allergies. The Medical College of Georgia demonstrated that, children who were in contact with animals had reduced risks to suffer from any kind of allergies.

4. Keep Your Blood Pressure on The Ideal Level

Believe it or not; caring for a pet will help you keep your blood pressure on the ideal level. Numerous studies demonstrated that spending more time with your cat, dog or any other animal will minimize the stress level visibly.

5.  Speed Up The Recovery Process

Pets often feel the pain and stressful mood of their owner. The Loyola University in Chicago discovered that animals will make people suffering from different diseases recover more quickly. The affection of these pets will help us concentrate on other things rather than dealing with the severe symptoms of various illnesses.

6.  Lower The Cholesterol Level

The Baker Medical Research Institute from Melbourne revealed that researches demonstrate the positive effect of pets on our cholesterol level. An active lifestyle can contribute to a healthy physical and spiritual condition. Keep your cholesterol on the ideal level by spending more time with your pets.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Esther Perel Mating in Captivity Book

Esther Perel's book made me think about several things. Most importantly, about the way we could preserve intimacy in a marriage. It's not a secret that after a few years, sexuality and intimacy fall to the second place after stability, family and daily routine. However, Esther Perel offers a few ideas and examples on how to avoid disillusionment and frustration.

The book entitled 'Mating in Captivity' (you can read the book here) is fascinating and inspiring. Readers have the chance to learn more about the way intimacy disappears and the tricks we can use to preserve it. The difference between a harmonious relationship and sexual compatibility or pleasure is HUGE.

I wanted to share with you my admiration for this revealing book. I hope this post will convince you of the importance of intimacy and harmony in your relationship or marriage.

Monday 25 February 2013

Venus Project Music Video

Those who found my post about The Venus Project helpful will be thrilled to see this new music video released on YouTube. The amazing project that launched a real movement is about to become an ideology, a new world order as they call it.

People from all over the world joined forces to stop capitalism and exploitation of human resources. Check out this amazing music video and share your thoughts with me....

Remember "We can save Earth" with a few changes.....

Vanilla Sky, Open Your Eyes....

Choosing between a chaotic still controllable life and the cruelty of the real world is the main theme in the Vanilla Sky, Open Your Eyes blockbuster movie.

The prophetic vision of producer Cameron Crowe and the unforgettable performance of Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz in this hypnotic love story could wipe out all our old-fashioned convictions about a linear story-line and the presence of science fiction in our life.

The lucid dream of David Aames with New Age references is the amazing symbiosis of an imaginary world and the memories of a young media tycoon ready to sacrifice the world of the rich and famous on the altar of eternal love.

Vanilla Sky, Open your Eyes is the movie that changed the life of millions with its pioneering worldview and the visionary soundtrack which could lure us into the magical realm of life extension.

I don't want to offer too many details about the plot....watch this trailer as the best appetizer for the movie...:)
AHHHHHHH.....and the amazing soundtrack....I adore Cameron Crowe and his team....:)

Saturday 5 March 2011

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly….

Trapped in your own body, trying to offer the world a vague sense of your state is literally backbreaking. In the movie The Diving Bell and the Butterfly we’ll have the chance to get familiarized with the story of the late Editor of ELLE magazine, Jean-Dominique Bauby. In 1995 the famous socialite suffered a severe stroke also called a ’locked’ syndrome. Leaving his body completely paralzed and his mind working miraculously precise, was indeed one of the greatest dramas a man can ever face. The movie directd by Julian Schnabel and starring Mathieu Amarlic is a modern day masterpiece. 

The audience hears the thoughts of Bauby and has the opportunity to share the most delicate moments with this person imprisoned in his diving bell. Soon it turns out that this story is more than just a biographical production. The universal story of pople who are stuck in a pretty hopeless situation and they have only one super-thin string that ties them to this world. Memories and imagiantion are the only values that keep us humans as the movie suggests, and we hear the words of Bauby in our ears…..

Whereupon a strange euphoria came over me. Not only was I exiled, paralyzed, mute, half deaf, deprived of all pleasures, and reduced to the existence of a jellyfish, but I was also horrible to behold. There comes a time when the heaping up of calamities brings on uncontrollable nervous laughter - when, after a final blow from fate, we decide to treat it all as a joke.”

It seems humor is indeed a solution to everythings and can free us from the huge loads of stress accumulated through the years of low periods…..Give yourself a break and see how hard it is to stay sane in a world that practically drives you crazy, while you’ll left completely motionles and impotent…..

Sunday 27 February 2011

Super-Smart Celebrities to keep an eye on…..

It is super-fascinating to find out that not all celebrities are dummies and some of them are also honorable members of MENSA together with other foundations that encourage cultural and mental development. 

These Hollywood stars decided to dedicate special importance to their education using their special abilities to complete various courses and learn different languages almost to perfection. These are some of the genius celebrities to keep an eye on, not only for their fab acting skills but for other more important factors as education and extraordinary achievements in the field of education.

Natalie Portman
  • The young and future mommy celebrity is extremely talented and one of the most promising actresses of the moment. Besides being the proud owner of  a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Harvard, she also decided to complete her studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Additionally she also speaks no less than 4 languages fluently, including Hebrew.

 Geena Davis
  • The actress who had been neglecting her acting career lately, is still considered one of the super-smart celebrities in Hollywood. As an honorable member of MENSA she prides herself with an IQ of 140, way above the average. Furthermore she speaks fluent Swedish and also plays numerous instruments.

Sharon Stone
  • The hot actress seems to feel it more comfortable to make a flashy statement with her flirty curves and sex-appeal rather than flaunting her super high IQ of 154. As a member of MENSA, Sharon Stone managed to get enrolled into the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania only at the age of 15.

Quentin Tarantino
  • The revolutionary movie directors managed to charm the audience with his unique vision of the world of cinematography. Cult movies as Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill are all the fruits of a brilliant mind, rewarded by a MENSA membership for his IQ of 160.

James Woods
  • With an impressive IQ of 180 he is not only a member of MENSA but also one of the most appreciated actors of the moment. He majored in poli-sci at the famous Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Other celebrities included in the super-smart group are Shakira, Alicia Keys, Jodie Foster and also Kate Beckinsale.


Sunday 20 February 2011

Dream Yoga..Controlling your dreams was never as easy…..

Have you ever fantasized of controlling your dreams…decide where to go and what to do? Now it’s time to think about it seriously as Dream Yoga empowers you with this ability that should be practiced and improved to achieve your goals. Lucid dreaming has its origins in the Tibetan dream yoga invented at least 1,000 years ago by Buddhists. 

Manipulating all our acts in a dream state is one of the greatest wishes of mankind however additionally you could also do the following things when engaging into Dream Yoga:
·         Visiting various places all over the world and also entering different parallel dimensions
·         Meet with other beings who are in the same state
·         Receive messages from different people existing in other dimensions and even eras.
·         Communicate with more enlightened beings they call yidam.
·         Shape shift into other creatures.